- Mixed Mineral Fertilizer
Aumento expressivo de biomassa e TAH proporcionando maior atividade fotossintética da planta e resistência.
Product Description
ColheiTAH® promotes increased biomass and greater sugar production (TAH) per area. Its balanced formula aims to increase the plant’s photosynthetic activity and greater resistance to adverse conditions at the end of the cycle.
Product Benefits
- Increased TAH
- Higher photosynthetic activity
- High absorption and translocation of nutrients
- No application restrictions
- Ease of operation / liquid formulation
- N, P₂O₅, K₂O, Mg, S, B.
- Sugarcane
- 20 L
- 1000 L
Suitable for crops


Recomendações por alvo biológico:
- Antracnose da soja (Colletotrichum truncatum)
- Antracnose do feijão (Colletotrichum lidemuthianum)
- Mancha-alvo (Corynespora cassiicola)
- Mancha-de-Phaeosphaeria (Phaeosphaeria maydis) (2x ícone de Cogumelos)