- Mixed Mineral Fertilizer
High nutrient absorption for the vegetative development of crops.
Product Description
GramTop contains nutrients with greater response potential for the vegetative development of the indicated crops. The amino acid present has a beneficial interaction with micronutrients, aiding in absorption.
Benefits of the product
- Nutrients for vegetative development
- Complexed with amino acids
- Better absorption of nutrients
- N, Mn, Mo, Zn.
- 1 L
- 5 L
- 20 L
- 1000 L
Suitable for crops
Para mais informações consulte todas as culturas e doses indicadas no rótulo do produto.

Recomendações por alvo biológico:
- Antracnose da soja (Colletotrichum truncatum)
- Antracnose do feijão (Colletotrichum lidemuthianum)
- Mancha-alvo (Corynespora cassiicola)
- Mancha-de-Phaeosphaeria (Phaeosphaeria maydis) (2x ícone de Cogumelos)