- Simple Mineral Fertilizer
High molybdate solution concentration supporting physiological processes and BNF in plants.
Product Description
Molybdenum 14 is a product with a high concentration of molybdenum, a micronutrient of great importance for the physiological processes of plants and for the biological fixation of nitrogen.
Product Benefits
- High Mo concentration
- Easy-to-apply liquid product
- Mo
- 1 L
- 5 L
Suitable for crops
For more information see all cultures and doses indicated on the product label.
Recomendações por alvo biológico:
- Antracnose da soja (Colletotrichum truncatum)
- Antracnose do feijão (Colletotrichum lidemuthianum)
- Mancha-alvo (Corynespora cassiicola)
- Mancha-de-Phaeosphaeria (Phaeosphaeria maydis) (2x ícone de Cogumelos)