Natural growth promoter, provides positive effect on the phytohormones production capable of modifying root growth rate, improving plant development.
Product Description
Welt contains associative bacteria that colonize the roots of plants and provide phytohormones and nitrogen during their cycle, through the process of biological fixation, enabling better nutrition, resistance to stress and increased productivity.
The correct use of the product in corn crops together with nitrogen fertilization management enables increased productivity and economic gains for the producer.
Product Benefits
Density: 1.0 to 20C
Physical Nature: Liquid (Homogeneous Suspension
Product Benefits
- Positive effect on the production of phytohormones capable of modifying the root growth rate, improving plant development.
- Increased symbiosis with other plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB) naturally found in soils, which benefits crops in general.
- Concentration 2 x 108 CFU/ml
- Liquid inoculant with Azospirillum brasilense Strains AbV5 and AbV6
- Product formulated with equal concentrations of Strains.
Density: 1.0 to 20C
Physical Nature: Liquid (Homogeneous Suspension
- Corn
- Soybeans
- 5 L
Suitable for crops


Recomendações por alvo biológico:
- Antracnose da soja (Colletotrichum truncatum)
- Antracnose do feijão (Colletotrichum lidemuthianum)
- Mancha-alvo (Corynespora cassiicola)
- Mancha-de-Phaeosphaeria (Phaeosphaeria maydis) (2x ícone de Cogumelos)