Mix Full [EN]

Balanced mixture of micronutrients promoting vegetative development in a continuous and harmonious way.

Kapsel [EN]

Fertilizer and biological protector for use with inoculants in emulsion form for seed treatment or application in the planting furrow.

MaxiCálcio [EN]

Calcium supply efficiency for foliar application, fertigation and soil.

Implanta [EN]

Multifunctional technology developed with a focus on high efficiency in sugarcane planting.

HumiSET [EN]

An organic-based rooting agent that promotes the growth of roots and radicels, favoring crop vegetative development.

GramTop [EN]

High nutrient absorption for the vegetative development of crops.

Finaliser [EN]

Balanced composition that promotes grain growth and filling, indicated for chloride-sensitive crops.

Ferti NK [EN]

Designed to promote increased root and above-ground crop volume.

Zinco15 [EN]

High Zn concentration promoting balanced development for the plant

Ferti Fill [EN]

A balanced solution for fertigation, contributing to promote a better growth of vegetables and fruits.