Efetive R [EN]

Composed of Manganese and Zinc that contribute to the development and growth of plants.

CoMoNi [EN]

Ideal BNF composition contributing to the initial phase stimulation of crop development.

ColheiTaH [ EN]

Aumento expressivo de biomassa e TAH proporcionando maior atividade fotossintética da planta e resistência.

Boroplex [EN]

Concentrated monoethanolamine borate to maximize foliar and soil applications.

Aminosoil [EN]

Specific amino acids for the root system favoring the absorption of micro and macro nutrients.

AminoCarb [EN]

Higher concentration of amino acids for fast recovery from stress.

Algon [EN]

Combination of biostimulants in a single product. The Magnesium found there is essential for photosynthesis and translocation of photo-assimilates.

VegeTaH [EN]

Significant increase in biomass and TAH providing increased photosynthetic activity of the plant and resistance.

Blum CaB2 [EN]

An ideal product for the flowering of your crops, favoring Calcium and Boron.